Explore the features of the Braen Stone Customer Portal, which offers convenient access to business tools, making your projects come together with ease.
Access report builders for several different reports as well as a description for what information each report will generate. Log into the portal to create a new report.
View a list of your company’s active jobs. Log into the portal to update the status of existing jobs.
Display your company's year-to-date, last year-to-date and last year's sales. Data is organized based on where the material was picked up.
View a list of your company’s recent AR activity. Each transaction adds a new line item. This includes the following transaction types: new invoices, payments, credits, and adjustments.
Access a report of your company's aging information. Data is organized based on where the material was picked up. Balances due are broken down into 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days and over 120 days.
View a report which displays a list of your company’s invoices. If you would like to dispute an invoice before submitting a short pay, please follow the instructions within the portal.
Access a list of your company's tickets. A new line item is added to this report after a ticket is generated. View more detailed information about the ticket within the portal.
View and edit your company's information and contacts at your company that are on file in the Braen system. Log into the portal to update the record for each contact. You can also change settings and preferences for automated reports that are sent daily.
We provide a diverse line of aggregates, recycled materials and hot mix asphalt to all parts of the construction industry.
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